
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Topics in Cultural Studies Unit 3 Group Project

Abstract India, Africa, china, and the the Statess all experienced syncretism in divers(prenominal) airs and at different levels of intensity. Some benefited sparingally and culturally from this exchange of cultures and goods. Some would suffer been much(prenominal) better off if left alone. We will discuss the different effects of syncretism on these countries and how they are still feeling these effects today. Syncretism the acculturation of Cultures By definition, syncretism is the attempted union of different principles or cultures.Syncretism is a terminus that can be applied to English Colonists in North and southerly America when they attempted to merge with various native tribes. These colonists introduced some in the buff things to the natives including religion, weapons, medicine, and various tradition. The new technology was similar to magic to these groups of people who were modify to sustainment among the trees and wildlife in the wilderness. Africans were abl e to gain from the many technological advances of the Europeans. A large portion of African culture derived from European Language, religion and customs (Sayre, 2010).On the contrary, only a small portion of African culture was able to European culture. The Europeans could boast learned much from the seemingly primitive African Nation. Unfortunately Europeans treated Africans same commodities to be bought and sold. In America, Europeans attempted syncretism with the primeval Americans with moderate success. The majority of primeval Americans were peaceful and open to change. It wasnt until the European Settlers made life altering changes like destroying herds of buffalo that syncretism became difficult and resulted in events like the cross of Tears ( The Trail of Tears , 2012).Overall the Native American and African Cultures were open to change and made little fortress to syncretism. On the other hand the Chinese were like a boulder resisting the ample force of a flowing riv er. Archeological Evidence suggests that mainland China was be nearly 2. 4 million old age ago (Larick, 2000). Needless to express that Chinese History is extraordinarily bulky and unendingly resistant to syncretism. Europeans did reign to set up trade with the Chinese and create Silk Road. European Missionaries traveled to China on many occasions. Most Significantly the Jesuit Missionaries had a great impact on China.Missionaries like Matteo Ricci moved to China and exclusively assimilated with their culture in order to introduce Jesuit beliefs to Buddhists and Taoists (Dunne, 1962). Although he was welcomed by the Chinese, he still run aground great resistance when trying to run across converts. India was very similar in its reaction to syncretism because like China, India possesses a vast history. Archeological evidence suggests that Hominids walk the immense and beautiful lands of India over 500,000 years ago (Bongard-Levin, 1979). Once sea routes were run aground that allowed direct commerce amidst India and Europe, trading posts were formed.Like the Chinese the Indians welcomed Europeans and gained economically from this agreement. Although the Europeans were welcomed economically, religiously the Indians would not be moved. Missionaries like Jordanus Catalani traveled to India to save the souls of as many non-believers as possible. As the initiatory Bishop in India he acted as a liaison for the Pope and found many converts in India (Ricci Institute, 2012). Although many were converted to Christianity most of India remained Hindu with no desire to convert. India never changed its culture as a whole.Although influenced by Europeans, India unbroken its ancient culture and way of life. Both China and India welcomed European visitors and resisted change because of their long standing histories and cultures. All four cultures had their own way of life before settlers attempted to add their way of life into the recipe. aloofness of time as a gro up did play into the amount resistance each group demonstrated. Another factor that came into play was the amount of hindrance syncretism would cause each culture. Native American found little impediment trading with English Settler until the demands of settlers became more and more unreasonable.Eventually most of the Native Americans were enslaved, killed, or expelled from what had been their home for thousands of years. Africans were similarly taken advantage of when European Colonists enslaved and sometimes discarded many. Africa gained much from European Colonization but also found more and more difficulty with syncretism. India and China took full advantage of economic gains of syncretism but never fully gave up their way of life. Today Africa, America, India, and China all have varying levels of cultural change as a result of syncretism. All have a presence of Christianity as a religion till this day. 2. percent of India are Christian while 4 percent of China and 40 percent of Africa share this faith (Central discussion Agency, 2012). In Africa, unfortunately one of the most lasting effects of syncretism is racialism and the system of apartheid. India gained its independence from Britain in 1947 and still is an independent nation. India still has keeps many influences from British Government and relations between the UK and India are friendly. Had syncretism not occurred in the Americas, I believe that Native Americans would still live the way that had been living thousands of years before European Colonists forced syncretism on them.The South America the great cities of the Amazon would still be there today. Although technology would not be as advanced as it is now, life would be much more sustainable. These native cultures survived for many thousands of years because of their ability to live with record not attempting to control nature. If cultural syncretism had taken root during early encounters in China and India unfortunately both of these coun tries might have suffered the same percentage as Africa and the Americas.There would almost certainly be Indian and Chinese slaves and these countries would have been forced to assimilate as much as the European Colonists tangle was convenient. Many more people in China and India would be language English today and would be praying to Jesus Christ. Like a valuable masterpiece being thrown into mud, these cultures would have been tarnished or even destroyed. ? References The Trail of Tears . (2012, November 25). Retrieved from Resource Bank http//www. pbs. org/wgbh/aia/part4/4h1567. hypertext mark-up language Bongard-Levin, G. (1979). A History of India. betterment Publishers Moscow. Central Intelligence Agency. (2012, November 20).Field Listing Religions. Retrieved from The World Factbook https//www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2122. html Dunne, G. (1962). Generation of Giants. Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Press. . Larick, R. C. (2000, Febr uary). Early Homo erectus Tools in China . Retrieved from Archeology http//www. archaeology. org/0001/newsbriefs/china. html Ricci Institute. (2012, November 25). Jordanus, Catalani, Bishop of Columbum, fl. 1302-1330. Retrieved from Ricci Roundtable http//ricci. rt. usfca. edu/biography/view. aspx? biographyID=1415 Sayre, H. (2010). Discovering the Humanities. New Jersey Pearson.

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