
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Briefly discuss why it was written

The chapter cor cardinalted THIS UNEXPECTED EVENT ANNIHILATION AT THE COWPENS was compose to straining the strategic and consequential importance of the immemorial conflict fought between the British and Ameri peck armies at Cowpens in South Carolina in 1781.The American victors take by their Commander Daniel Morgan, employ the most advanced and open up tactical strategies to counter the might of the British who had so far do victorious inroads into other parts of the world by utilize their season tested and advanced military strategies.The inspiration for using such astrategy could prepare been taken from the double envelopment techniques used by Hannibal during the classic Battle at Cannae in 216 BC, whereby he 2 once and for all defeated the massive Roman army that was almost twice the sur impudence of his own. It is understood by many that the victory at Cowpens was collect to a rare opportunity available to the American Commander and the carriage of mind along wit h the trust imposed in him by his generals led to the landmark victory that had noteworthy consequences in organizeting the sort for early vitrines in American history. The battle at Cowpens was comparatively gloomy in view of the other battlesof the time when the British struggled to establish their achievement in America, but it proved that the so far considered to be unvanquished British Commander Tarleton was also vulnerable in the face of the new- do tactical strategies of the American infantry and cavalry. The results of the battle set the course for a reduction in the morale of the British army who were taken aback by the unimagined tactical techniques used by Morgan and his officers. The result of the battle was a confirmation that the Americans demonstrated proper use of battle techniques using the cavalry and infantry.The victory was indeed a landmark one and the form of the battle ground and the remnants of the memoirs remain intact and preserved to this day to chink the government notes of the actual battle field so as to remind Americans of 3 the victory that surface the course and set course towards establishing their supremacy against the British. b. sources Conclusion. What does the writer conclude about the period or event? The basis of forming conclusions about the Battle at Cowpens can be exhaustively had from the various vantage points set up and maintained at the actual battle site.On the strength of their location and description that is conclusively associated with the written accounts of the battle by several writers and the participants in the battle who were also commanders and club holders in the cavalry and infantry, a feel of the actual thought mold of Commander Morgan and his Officers can be experienced. The writer feels that indeed Commander Morgan was a pioneer in such battle strategy and displayed exemplary heroism and leadership qualities to boost the morale of his people and to synchronize the timely availa bility of logistical support asand when required. His main line of defense was based on tactical use of formations with an element of surprise and operational security. He used the militia very matterively by planning ahead and placing them at the right locations to counter enemy infringement. He established a encounter line by effectively using advanced technology and argus-eyed infantry that had so far 4 never been used in the 18th century. Although the British deployed their formations in a linear battlefield, in that location were mental effects of fatigue that halted the initial signs of victory.Initially the British under the leadership of Tarleton, made victorious strides pushing back the Americans causing for some time dismay amongst their ranks, but the British suddenly started to loose ground in the face of tactical moves by Morgan and his ranks. There had to be a fast take under immense pressure from the Americans leading to large number of casualties amongst the B ritish. all the same in this context the battle is remembered due to its learning lessons by way of the great sense of battle discipline displayed amongst the soldiers, close combat techniques and the array andassessment of battlefield information on the part of the British. The Battle at Cowpen paved the way for the future use of creating psychological impact as was do effectively when the retreating Americans under the orders of their Commander Howard took an about turn and indiscriminately shoot at the Britishers who were unaware of such a move and which turned the tabularize against them. In this context, Howard acted under instructions from Morgan as part of the plan and the effect of such fire 5 power was decisively in esteem of the Americans. Consequently, anothernoteworthy conclusion of this event is that the battle is a perfect laboratory casing for analysis of psychological factor working in war and how it can be effectively used against the enemy. Evidence Supporti ng the Conclusion. Incorporate certainty offered by the writer to support the chapter. Why should I believe this soulfulness? The Battle at Cowpen was a battle that set new trends and patterns of tactical strategies to counter enemy supremacy, which is aptly proved by the course of events that followed 1781 to set new landmarks in American history. Thechapter gives a detailed account of the battle, the course of events and the intricacies that changed the initial victorious trend of the British on the battlefield. All that is written in the chapter about the battle is supported by a concrete existence of the actual battle site and the different stages of the battle beingness earmarked by Vantage Points 1 to 12, which aptly prove that the site is there and that the battle did take place in 1781. The vantage points give an account of the different stages of the battle where most of the action happened and the visitor is made to have a taste and gut feeling of the battleactually ha ppening before him, as the entire site can be viewed and observed 6 from one spot. So there is full evidence in support of the chapter by way of the actual existence of the battle site that is maintained to this day. References Scott Withrow, put Ranger, The Battle of Cowpen, may 2005, http//www. nps. gov/archive/cowp/batlcowp. htm The Battle of Cowpens 1781, http//www. britishbattles. com/battle-cowpens. htm John Buchanan, The American Revolution in the Carolinas, http//www. theamericanrevolution. org/battles/bat_cowp. asp

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