Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Food Predicament Essay
1. magnetic inclination three elements largely responsible for the significant increase in trades union American viands production since the end of World War II.a. creation Growthb. Rising personal income2. Describe the trends in world diet production vis-a-vis population growth from 1950 to the present. There is more mickle to cede food for thought than before.3. To what extent does expanding the amount of land under gardening impinge oner believe for significantly increasing world food provide? Why? To permit unproductive lands to be farmed, making it possible to pargonnt two to three crops a year on the same land.4. heed four reasons for the loss of currently productive agricultural land.a. erosionb. desertificationc. salinizationd. water-logging5. What factors control it unlikely that ocean fish harvests can be increased easily above present levels? Large predator fish, overexploitation by industrial fishing fleets has reduced stocks of some species.6. List sever al changes in food-handling practices that suffering countries could implement to prevent loss of harvested crops. Store grains in bins that may not be easily penetrated, have good refrigeration and have trustworthy transport for the food.7. To what extent can eating lower on the food chain swear out to solve problems of world hunger? It will help until the population grows more and going vegetarian would not be possible.8. Why are a number of relatively tight countries purchasing farmland in other nations? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such purchases for the host country?Be fount of the productive landed estate their food will grow more better in from each one different region. Some advantages might be that they will have that food available for the consumers and some disadvantages might be that there is a temper change and loose the crop.B. Match the following need diseases with the nutritional factor (shown below the table) whose absence provoked these con ditions (you can use the factor or corresponding letter (a, b, .)1. childishness blindness2. marasmus3. anemia4. kwashiorkor5. mental subnormality6. pellagra7. scurvy8. rickets9. beri-beria. proteinb. fiberc. vitamin Ad. vitamin Bl (thiamine)e. vitamin Cf. vitamin Dg. vitamin Eh. niacini. iodinej. ironk. overall large calorie/protein deficitC. True/False. Indicate T or F in the topographic point before each numbered question. If the statement is false, revise it below in the rap provided to make a correct statement focus your response on the words in bold.1. As incomes rise, food demand increases because more affluent nation eat larger quantities of food.2. It is estimated that approximately a billion people in the world today are undernourished.3.Within families in pitiable societies, puerile boys are the most likely to suffer from malnutrition.4. Overpopulation is the major cause of degenerative hunger problems in the ontogenesis world.5. In societies where hunger is wid espread, the rate of malnutrition among children and women is much higher than it is among men.6. Malnutrition is most harmful when it occurs among children under 5.7. The damaging effects of childhood malnutrition are reversible if the child receives an adequate diet when he/she becomes older.8. undernourish women are likely to give birth to underweight babies and to produce poor quality breast milk.9. Marasmus is responsible for more childhood deaths in developing countries than any other single cause.10. The most common nutritional deficiency disease worldwide is kwashiorkor.11. A swollen belly, discoloration of the hair and skin, and hinder physical development are all classic symptoms of overall protein/calorie deprivation.12. The worlds single most important cause of preventable brain damage and mental retardation is Vitamin A deficiency.13. Aquaculrure offers greater hope for increasing the worlds fish harvest than does intensifying efforts in ocean fishing.14. World stock production, which rose steadily from 1950-1990, has subsequently leveled off because of falling market demand for meat.15. Anemia is a leading cause of high female mortality rates and problem pregnancies in more poor countries.16. Aquaculture supplies almost all of the tuna fish found in American supermarkets.17. Biotechnology can help reduce farmers reliance on chemicalfertilizers and pesticides and may make it possible to cultivate lands currently alike dry or too saline for farming.18. Among species commonly raised to supply animal protein for human consumption, fish are the most efficient cypher converters, requiring just 2-3 pounds of feed to gain one pound of flesh.19. In sub-Saharan Africa, grain production has remained stagnant at about one gross ton/ hectare since the early 1960s.20. Significant increases in agricultural production achieved by expert breakthroughs such as the miracle grains or genetically modified crop and livestock varieties will ensure that all the w orlds people eff an adequate diet.
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