
Friday, February 15, 2019

Free Canterbury Tales Essays: The Knight and the Wife of Bath :: Wife of Bath Essays

The Character of the Knight of the Wife of Bath The nickname from the Wife of Baths Tale is not a in truth likable personality. His actions evoke he is just an abstract character, a receiver of the actions, who is used to knock over the tales plot a meaning. Neither he nor other characters in the flooring be even menti whizzd by name. However, the traits of his character are very historical and do exist in the real world. Brought together, they create an un-exciting personality of a man without a purpose in life. The knight is not very smart he does not commemorate about the consequences of his actions. Raping the girl is one example. In this act, he is guided only by his desires, without considering how right they are. but he doesnt think about the punishment either. The knight lives only for the donation moment. Another example is the rash promise that he gives to the old beldam. He agrees to do anything she wants in re bowl over for hearing the answer he is feeling f or. True, if he doesnt get an answer, he will lose his life. However, he doesnt think about the possibility that what the hag will want may turn out to be even worse, considering the fact that honor and personal justness were valued more than life in those times. A thoughtful person, much(prenominal) as Sir Gawain from Morte Darthur, would have inquired more about the womans wish, before making such(prenominal) an agreement. The knight is also an ungrateful person. The hag saves him from a certain conclusion and then requests that he marry her. In light of the events, the knight should be grateful to escape death, but instead he views the marriage to his messiah as another form of the same punishment. He agrees only because he is bound by the promise, and the chivalric code forces him to keep it. In addition, the knights thoughts are easily influenced by other people. Apparently, he recognizes the fact that he is frequently wrong and listens to the opinions of others. But he adopts those opinions without thinking them through for himself. This happens when the old hag says she knows what women most want the knight doesnt question that knowledge. However, by the time he meets the hag, he has listened to many other women who werent very consistent in their suggestions.

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